Privacy & Policy / Phone Dekho

Privacy Policy

At, we want our customer to know exactly how and when we collect and use information that they submit on our website.

  • When our customer visit our website, we want them to feel safe knowing that any information they share with us is treated with the utmost care and respect.
  • When our customer shop with us, we want to ensure that their experience is safe and secure. we'll kindly request some personal information to fulfill their order effectively. This may include their name, address, email, billing and shipping details, as well as their credit card information.
  • We never share any identifiable information about our valued customers with third parties.
  • When they share their personal information with us. We dont take that lightly.that's why we want them to know under no circumstances we will ever sell their pesonally-identifiable data. 
  • We believe in transparency, We don't sell their personal data. but we may use it ourselves or share it with our authorizied marketing partners.
  • Sharing this data allows us and our partners to conduct research, analyze trends and improve our advertising strategies to better serve our customer's needsand preferences.
  • By understanding costumer preferences, shopping habits, and past interactions with us, we can anticipate their needs and offer products and services.
  • When customer navigate through our pages, we want them to feel at ease knowing that personal information about them isn't collected automatically or without their knowledge.
  • It's important to note that Sometimes we may have to share customer information if required by law.
  • It's important for customer to know that our Privacy Policy may change periodically. We reserve the right to update, modify, add, or remove portions of our Privacy Policy at any time, at our discretion, without prior written notice.
  • In case of any feedback or concern regarding protection of your personal information, please write to us by email to
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